There are other alternatives to cool the river.
IDFG has not comprehensively explored more natural methods to address how Priest River and its tributaries could be cooled to support an improved fishery. Many available studies identify positive results resulting from riparian improvements such as rock weirs, islands, log deflectors, shade trees, etc, in and along the river to create cooler habitats for fish. Adopting a similar approach for Priest River and its several tributaries would be a very cost-effective, natural, and environmentally friendly way to help work toward IDFG goals rather than trying to create an artificial siphon system that has significant downsides and highly questionable benefits.
Another alternative put forward in the engineering study by McMillen Jacobs Associates is the Groundwater System. This alternative would take cooler groundwater from wells and pump it into the upper Priest River. It would be significantly less expensive than the Siphon and would not adversely impact the lake or the Outlet Bay channel.